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Return and refund policy

With us you can return your product

Learn about the returns and refunds policy that you accept when purchasing from us.

If you purchased with a credit or debit card, we give you 15 calendar days after receiving the product to manage your full return. In order for you to receive a full refund, the product must include its plastic, manual, lanyard, badge, cleaning cloth and must not be damaged, stained or dirty. The box must not be stained or torn. If the product has damage to the packaging or plastics. A 30% repackaging fee will be debited from the return amount for damage caused to the product. After 3 days we do not make refunds or accept returns.

We can only offer credit in stores and you must return the product to our returns center so that you receive your credit. We can also coordinate the return with courier but remember that in case of return to obtain your credit, you must cancel the motorized service by the shipping service. Since this is an extra cost.

In case of opening a case with Paypal, which is an extreme case. Depending on Paypal’s resolution, we will proceed to refund you. Remember that this can take up to a month.

All discounted products do not have a refund or exchange but they do have our guarantee. It should be said that if you have any complaint or doubt you can also do so with the Consumer Ombudsman’s Office. You have every right to do it from your portal at line. Nowadays it is very easy.

Remember that by purchasing from us you are accepting our terms and conditions.

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